Thursday, December 06, 2007

First run in the snow

Yesterday I went out for my usual 1.25mile loop run in the snow. It had already fallen, but the siudewalks weren't cleared. So I had to either run in the icy street or on the sidewalks. I alternated based on which of the two looked less icy. It was very cold, but it was nice to get out there.

Before I went out, I recorded my training update for episode 15 of the Extra Mile Podcast. My last update is in the beginning of episode 14. If you have not checked out the Extra Mile Podcast yet, I highly encourage you do do so... it is a fantastic running podcast!

Anyway, I'm going to be trying to get in 5mile+ weeks to build up for another sub-30minute 5-K attempt near the end of December. It would be a great way to end my 2007 running year with a new 5-K PR.

1 comment:

crossn81 said...

hey Mike..I was looking for your e-mail address but can't find one, so I'll just leave a random comment... I was checking your blog roll and I noticed that you posted a link to my personal blog instead of my running blog. That's cool if you like what I'm saying there!!! The link to my new running blog is

I'd appreciate if you add that one too!!
