Friday, December 28, 2007

Final 5K of the year!

Well tomorrow is my final 5K of the year, the Run to the New Year. I am really hoping to get a PR or at least run it in under 30 minutes. Tomorrow's high is 33'F and cloudy. It's raining right now, so I hope we won't be running on ice. That would not be cool!

Yesterday I was pretty busy... I visited two local colleges (Ivy Tech and IUPUI) and enrolled in one. One of the Couselors at IUPUI was Matt M. and he'll be running the 5K tomorrow as well. It really nice to meet him, and hopefully I'll be able to say hi after the race. I got home after dark so I cut my scheduled 1.25mi run down to 0.7mi, which I slow jogged and walked in 8:59. I wanted to go slow, because I will really have to push myself during the race.

My mantra? P...R...! P...R...!

1 comment:

crossn81 said...

Good Luck tomorrow!! Let me know how it goes.