Monday, December 17, 2007

My goal for 2008

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I know that it's a little early to be making New Year's resolutions, but I've been thinking about it. This year I finally started running seriously, and I want next year to be a 500+ mile year. I kinda got the idea from Marathon Chris of The Extra Mile Podcast fame. She just finished the Tinkoff 1000, running over 1000 miles in a year! Congrats Marathon Chris! The Tinkoff 1000 was created by Adam Tinkoff, the Zen Runner, by the way.
So anyway, I went to the logo site that he used and made one for myself. I hope he doesn't mind...
We'll see what happens in 2008!
My training has been OK... I've been trying to run every-other-day, for about a week now and it's been going well. All of this snow and wind is killer though...


Anderson Runner said...

Mike - Great job in 2007 and way to think and plan ahead for 2008! Nothing wrong with getting a jump start! Keep sharing your thoughts on 08 training!!

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